Thursday, April 5, 2007

Numbers Game

A title? Give me a break! I'm running on THREE hours of sleep and can barely think of my own name let alone a title for my post! As a mother of FIVE I am allotted exactly 3.5 seconds to: get dressed, go to the bathroom, and think about something other than who else needs to get dressed and who else needs to use the bathroom. I change approximately TEN diapers per day and wipe at least ONE bum daily. I brush THREE sets of teeth, make THREE meals, TWO snacks and SIX to EIGHT breast feedings. I break up FOUR arguments and at least ONE major altercation. I receive FIFTEEN hugs and kisses and end up with FOUR chocolate, lip gloss, or other unidentified stains on my shirts and cheeks which I get to spend .05 seconds cleaning off. In a 24 hour period I am Mom for 21 hours and that figure changes at random. Additionally, I have ONE incredible husband who, sometime in those 3.5 seconds manages to divide the craziness of the day and multiplies my happiness. A family of SEVEN! Never in my 34 years did I think I would be part of ONE, but I am and I'm SIX times happier and better for it!


Kristin said...

I love your blog Lish and think it is ONE clever thing. Good to have you on the network. If I didn't know you, I would want to. I LOVE you.

duff said...

I love to read about your days--but wait I hear about it anyway. Just reading about it makes me tired and out of breath. This will also be a fun blog to track.
Love you, Mom

Kim said...

I love reading all of your blogs. I may not comment on them because of lack of time, but you make me think. You know how it is when you get on the computer and everyone needs you right then. We don't get to talk every day because well... we have families to take care of. But, reading this lets me get a taste of your daily life. I hear ya sister! You make me so proud to be a mother/wife and your friend. You are an incredible writer! Thank you for the imagery! Love ya, Kim

Anonymous said...

Great work.