Friday, November 14, 2008

The Law of Attraction as it applies to Mothers

Recently I have been studying laws of Physics, one of which has to do with attraction, and have observed a subset of laws. These laws seem to primarily relate to mothers, which makes me wonder if becoming a mother introduces an entirely new set of laws? Anyway, the law is this:

A mother with a phone to her ear attracts all the children in the house who must begin fighting within a two foot radius. This law also seems to apply to the mother using the bathroom as well.

Anyone who has called me recently has been the unlucky observer of this law in action. Sorry everybody!


Anonymous said...

You honestly think that you should be able to have a phone conversation or private potty party. What were you thinking? The best way to deal with it is to hold out for the reality of "what goes around, comes around". How about turning the room downstairs that you aren't using into a jail! =)
Love you

Jillo said...

My kids know that phone time is the prime time to ask for forbidden items. "mom, can I just have one cookie?" But it is usually in this rather obnoxious, half whisper, half yell to which I usually give in because I can't stand to listen to it anymore.
I should be firm! But that never happens, and my kids know it. =)

duff said...

My law of attraction is just when I am getting ready to eat, the Wee one wakes up and decides HE is ready to eat. So yes, I believe you have stumbled upon a true theory proven man times over by mother's around the globe :)

Anonymous said...

the "Duff said" comment was from Kris--she was on my computer--as if you didn't know