Sunday, May 20, 2007

Are You a Heretic?

When Galileo invented the telescope and proved that the earth actually revolved around the sun instead of the opposite his invention was decried as Satanic. People thought the sun went around the earth because of a battle in the Old Testament in which the Israelites prevailed because the prophet commanded the "...Heavens to be still." The sun never went down and the battle was won. Thus, the conclusion was made that the sun went around the earth. Galileo was a devout Catholic and had no intention of leading people astray. He had to beg people to look through his telescope because people thought that the lens must be from Satan and wouldn't even go near the telescope. In 2007 we read the account of Galileo and scoff at those "ignorant people" and wonder how they could be so narrow-minded?

Recently I had a conversation with a well-read and thoughtful woman. When I told her I had used an herb called wormwood to treat intestinal parasites she was appalled! She told me that wormwood was a Satanic herb and that I was lucky I wasn't killed! She referred to its mention in the Bible as her source of information. I could not even begin to convince her otherwise.

I looked up every reference to wormwood in the Bible. Yes, it's there and yes, it's used in reference to punishment from God. However, the Bible Dictionary describes wormwood as a METAPHOR for God's punishment. Wormwood is a nasty herb to taste. It's bitter and not something you would normally eat. God's punishments have definitely proven to be bitter and not something you would seek.

I don't think the Bible was ever meant to be our science book. We have science to help explain the world around us. God, in his wisdom and mercy, gave us the Bible and Book of Mormon to help us know how to
properly use that information. Galileo was not a heretic then and I am not a heretic now.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

Women unite! As the mothers of the world we know firsthand the difficulties faced by our children as they try and make their way. We can do something about it. We can provide good and safe homes for our families or for those children with whom we come in contact. We can spend less time worrying about whether or not we're "as good as men" and spend more time becoming "as good as women" can and should be. We can use our innate talents and gifts to create goodness and refuges. We can fight evil and be warriors in a time when it is most needed. The time for weakness is over. The time for denial is over. Women need to reclaim what we have allowed to be taken -- our dignity and our femininity. So, on this Mother's Day I firmly plant my flag in the ground. I hope it waves for all to see. I am here and I am ready and willing to fight for all that is good. I know God will make up for my limitations and that, with Him, I can contribute -- even if it's just defending my own little plot of ground. You can, too. Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Never Say Never

I have a daily schedule. I never thought I would have a daily schedule. I never wanted a daily schedule. My husband has been telling me for years how much I would like a daily schedule. Of course, if he wanted me to do it, it was definitely out (oh my stupid pride).
Recently my kids have been fighting like crazy and I have been feeling even more stressed out than usual. I, notice the I, decided it was time to try something new. I know, how about a daily schedule! What a novel idea! When I told Bret "my" idea he just smiled and tried not to give me the "I told you so" smile which he knows would just send me running in the other direction.
I made a schedule and we started following it Monday. So far so good. I find I don't have to think so much about what we're going to do next. As a homeschooling Mom, it's nice to know where we're going without having to come up with a new plan every day. I think, until I had five children, it was easier to wing things because the chaos was at a 2 instead of a 9.5. Now it's sink or swim. I've always loved the water and am ready to swim. So, I'm ready to fall in with those who have touted the almighty schedule for years. Stephen Covey has a new fan. Never say never because you don't know how the universe will conspire against you.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Guantanamo Shmantanamo

Peck...People who need to find humane yet effective interrogation techniques should take some lessons from kids. Peck...peck... All you would need to do is put one of these terrorists in a confined space with five children...peck... and they're bound to break! If you've ever seen a video of baby birds with their mouths wide open...peck... constantly squawking for Mom, then you get the picture. It's constant pecking. It's not physically painful...peck peck..., but it doesn't stop. Even when you're in the...peck... bathroom, the one place you would expect some privacy, people are pecking at the door...peck... You really find out how much you love your children when, after a day of ...peck... constant pecking, not only are they still alive, but they receive kisses goodnight. Your peck in return. They go to bed with smiles on their faces, and you walk out of the room with on yours, both parties knowing that in less than ...peck...10 hours the iron will of The Mother is ...peck peck... tested again. Guantanamo Bay aint got nothin' on me!